General Utilities
It is very important that you make a backup copy of your database at least once a week - if not once a day. Even if your database is stored on a network and you are sure that the network administrator has set up the backup process you should still make a backup once a month to be sure.
If your computer has a hardware malfunction, is damaged (flood, fire, getting dropped) or stolen you could lose many hundreds of hours of work. Costume Inventory Resources is not responsible for damage to your database. We can try to help you recover your data if the file becomes corrupt but there are never any guarantees. A backup of your database is always the best plan.
Click on the link above to see more details and tips on making a backup copy.
Database Statistics
This utility will display the count of the records and photos in the database for all installed modules. It will also give the path were the database is stored and the size of the database front-end.
Export to Excel
This feature will allow you export your Costume & Props records to an Excel spreadsheet.
Instructions for Installing the Barcode Font
Several reports including the Check-out / Rental Receipts and the Repair cards include the barcode with the TagID so that you can scan the report to check something in or find it in the database. In order to print the barcode on the report you need to have a Barcode Font installed.
The program installation will copy a free Barcode Font to your computer. To install that font you look for the "Install Barcode Font" icon on your desktop. Click on the icon and when the font install window opens up click on the "Install" button.
View Software Registration Key
This utility will display the Software Registration Key for the Theatre Inventory Database and the date the program was registered.
Setup Folders for Photos
This utility allows you to set up the folder names for your Costume (and other modules) photos. When you go to load a photo into a Costume Record the program will look to the folder that is listed here. This saves you time in searching through your computer to find the photos you want to link to your costume records.
Enter the path (Drive, Folder) for the photos for each module. You can open the "Edit Path" window to have more room to type.
** If you want the computer to remember the last folder that you used for a selecting a photo you can enter the following code in the Photo Path field (instead of the path) : %CD%
Application and Form Titles
You may add / edit the options for the Application Title, the Productions Title, Rentals and People/Individuals titles. The new titles will be displayed on the forms and reports.