Discard/Delete Costume Piece

Discard / Delete Costume
You may delete a costume piece record if the record is really a mistake.  In general it is good to keep a costume record even if it is no longer used because you sometimes want to go back a look at the picture or description. If you want to keep a record in the database but not see it on reports or searches you can mark it as "Discarded".  It will not show up in searches or reports but the information will still be available.
To delete a costume record (and the associated records in the Check-Out and Ensemble tables)  you can click on the "Delete" button at the bottom of the Costume form.  It will ask you to confirm the deletion and if you select "Yes - Delete" the record will be removed.  You cannot "un-do" this deletion.
To discard a costume record - mark the “Discarded” check box at the bottom of the record with a check. Fill in the date, value and reason for the discard.  A report is available to print a list of all Costumes/Props discarded.
Note: Costume Pieces marked as “Discarded” cannot be checked out or assigned to Productions.
To discard multiple Costume Pieces at one time - go to Utilities / "Mark Selected Records as 'Discarded'"
1)  Enter the date (default = today's date).
2)  Enter the reason and any value of the items discarded
3)  Select a Tag ID off the drop-down box or click on the "Select" check box
4)  Click on the "Update" button to mark each 'selected' record as Discarded.