Equipment Inventory Database User Guide
Costume Inventory Resources -


Gels - If you have a large collection of Gels that you want to inventory, you can keep track of them in the Gels Module.
Gel Color Summary:  This is a summary page of all the Colors you have.  It shows the Mfg #, Color, Transmission %, Manufacturer Qty in Stock, Available Qty, and costs.
Search:  You may Search and Filter on Color or manufacturer.
Here is an example of filtering by Manufacturer:
To clear the filter - click on the "View All Colors" button.
Gel Color Details:
On the Gel Color Details screen you can enter the costs, replacement costs and rental fees.  You can also see the gels that are "In Use" on a Fixture In Use record.  To add or edit a color on the Fixture In Use record - go to the Fixture In Use screen (see Main Menu).
1)  Manufacturer - select from list.  Update the list on the Utilities screen.
2)  Mfg Gel # and/or Description    
3)  Qty in Stock / Qty Available (if a Gel is in use (Fixture In Use) or rented it is subtracted from the Available Qty).
4)  Costs
5)  RGB - you can enter the RGB numbers and the color will be estimated.
6)  Transmission %
7)  Color Swatch - You can make a screen print of the color swatch from the manufacturer's website and load it as a photo (like you would for a fixture photo)
8)  Color Data - You can make a screen print of the color data from the manufacturer's website and load it.
9)  In-Use status - If a Gel has been assigned to a Fixture-In-Use record - it will be shown here.
10)  Rented - If you rent/checkout gels - they will be listed here.
11)  Discard fields - Discarded??  Discard Date, Value, and Discard Reason
Delete Color:  To delete a Color Gel record - click on the "Delete Color" button on either the Summary or the Details Screen.
There are reports for the Gels collection on the Accessory, Gobo and Gel Reports Menu.
All reports can be printed to a printer or PDF file.  See the Appendix on Printing Options for more details.
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