Equipment Inventory Database User Guide
Costume Inventory Resources -

Tool / Equipment

The Tools/Equipment record has many fields to help you describe each item.
Add Equipment:  You add a new record with the "Add Equipment" button at the top.  Each record has to have a unique Tag ID. 
Copy Equipment:  If you have many of the same type of equipment - such as cables - you can create a single record then copy it as many times as you need.  Each record will have its own tag ID.  The Tag ID's will increment from the starting number you enter.  Once the copies are made you can update any details, such as length, as needed.
Load Photo:  You may add a photo or *.jpg to each equipment record.  Click on the Load a Photo button to open a dialog box of your photos.
Search for Equipment - You can search by ID, Name or Equipment Type.  You can also do an Advanced Search on many criteria.
The tabs at the bottom of the screen are to keep track of:
Repairs - you can track repairs needed/made over time.  You can also print a repair card to attach to item so you will know what needs to be done.  When the "Needs Repair" box is checked - the words "Needs Repair" will show in red at the top of the screen.
Rental History - you can see how often this piece of equipment has been rented and if it is checked out at the moment.
Discard - if an item has been discarded you can mark it as discarded with the date, reason and value at the time of discard.  See the "*** Discarded ***" note at the top of the screen.  A report is available on the Reports Menu to list all the equipment that has been discarded during a selected period of time.
Productions - Tools & Equipment can be assigned to a Production.
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