Copyright 2020  Costume Inventory Resources

Delete Prop / Set

To Delete a Prop / Set record - look to the bottom of the screen for the "Delete" button.  The Delete button is put in an out-of-the-way place on purpose so it isn't clicked by accident.   
Once you click the Delete button you will be asked if you are sure:
If you click "Yes - Delete" the record will be permanently deleted.  All records linking this Prop/Set item to a Production or Rental will also be deleted.  This should only be used if the item was entered by mistake or is truly gone from the collection and you don't want to know anything about it.  If a Prop / Set item was damaged and is no longer used the record can be marked as "Discarded" and the record will not be added to any production or rented - but the history and the photos of the item can be reviewed.