Copyright 2021  Costume Inventory Resources

Add a Costume Piece

Add a New Costume:      
To add a new costume, click on the "Add Costume" button at the top of the screen. On a popup screen you will be asked to accept the next number in the sequence or enter a Costume/Tag ID (by typing the number in or scanning a barcode) - see more information here. You may enter as much or as little information about the costume.  It is a good idea to enter data for Costume Name, Costume Type and Color - as these fields are can be used for searching.
 Add / Copy record with Filter Prefix.  Many customers have Tag ID / records with different prefixes (i.e. A0001 for Accessories, H001 for Hats, S001 for shoes, etc.)  Now when you add or copy a record you can find the last value for a selected Prefix.  The 'Filter for Prefix' is available on both the Add and Copy functions.
In this example - there are costumes that start with A, ABC, C, CBC, etc.  For Tag ID's that have no prefix - select the "N/A".
With "C" selected I will have the option to select the next number in sequence, "C5004" or enter a new number.