Copyright 2020  Costume Inventory Resources

Copy a Costume Piece

Copy a Costume Piece
     If you have several costumes that are alike you may enter the data for the first costume and then copy all the data - including the pictures - to a new record.  Click on the "Copy Costume" button.  The window will open and ask how many copies to make. You will have the option to “Enter a New Number” or accept the “Next Tag ID” in the sequence. A list of all the current Costume Pieces is listed at the bottom of the window.
     Just like the Add Costume box, you can filter the Next Tag ID for a particular prefix if you tag ID's have letter prefixes.
To get the next number (without a prefix - select Filter for Prefix and select "N/A"
Some customers get confused between the number of copies field and the new Tag ID.  Just be careful when you enter the number of copies.  If you enter a large number for the # of copies (>25 copies ; >50 for earlier versions) you will be asked if this is really what you want to do.  If you do make too many copies you can delete those records one at a time but it can take some time.